Borrowing 图书馆 Materials

The 图书馆 on the Lex Walters Campus in 格林伍德 is open to the public.

Who May Borrow PTC 图书馆 Materials?

The 图书馆 extends borrowing privileges to students enrolled in Piedmont Tech's credit programs, Piedmont Tech employees, students and employees at other South Carolina colleges and universities, and residents of the South Carolina counties of 阿布维尔, Edgefield, 格林伍德, 劳伦斯, 麦考密克, Newberry, 和Saluda. We will loan library materials to anyone who:

  • presents a Piedmont Tech identification card or library card,
  • does not owe excessive library fines,
  • does not have lost library items, and
  • and who has not exceeded their borrowing limit.


The following table explains library borrowing policies by visitor type:

  平装书 DVD & VHS 其他AV 参考 期刊



5 5 2 5
借期 3周 3周 1周 3周
续签 3 3 3 3
每天很好 10¢ 10¢ 10¢ 10¢
损失的费用 $40 $10 $40 $40



无限的 无限的 无限的 无限的 无限的 无限的
借期 3周 3周 3周 3周 3周 3周
续签 3 3 3 3 3 3
损失的费用 $40 $10 $40 $40 $40 $40



2 2 2 2
借期 3周 3周 1周 3周
续签 3 3 3 3
每天很好 10¢ 10¢ 10¢ 10¢
损失的费用 $40 $10 $40 $40

县校园 & Distance Learning Students

A daily courier service is available to transport library materials from one Piedmont Tech location to another. Contact the Information Commons or your 县校园 staff 了解更多信息.

参考 & 储备项目

Reserve items for specific classes are kept behind the library desk in the Information Commons. Students must sign for these materials while they use them in the library. They may not be taken out of the Information Commons building without special permission from the faculty member who initially reserved them.